RPD Undertakes the following tasks and is comprised of the following Division.
- Undertake research, prepare advocacy papers and recommend the feedback for dialogue/advocacy.
- Coordinate public-private sector dialogue and focused group discussions (FGDs) on private sector development and other economic issues.
- Engage in formulation, review and interpretation of in-house policy documents.
- Represent, review and analyze policy documents, Acts, rules & regulations, framework papers, contracts & agreements and guideline papers that have significant impact on the private sector development.
- Spearhead program research activities for SMEs development including ODTP project.
Functions of Policy Division (PD)
- Deal with legal matters arising from institutional legal framework, MoUs, contract, agreements and business disputes.
- Formulate, review and vetting of legal instruments and interpretation of in house policy documents.
- Provide mediation service for commercial dispute resolution based on mutual compromise for amicable settlement.
- Coordinate consultation meetings as and when circumstance warrants for collecting private sector feedback on policies, acts, rules & regulations, framework papers, contracts & agreements and guideline papers that have significant impact on the private sector development.
Functions of Research and Planning Division (RP Div.)
- Undertake research, prepare advocacy papers and recommend the feedback for dialogue/advocacy.
- Coordinate public-private sector dialogue and focused group discussions (FGDs) on private sector development and other economic issues.
- Identify, develop and conceptualize programs for SMEs development including ODTP initiatives.
RSD - Broad Roles & Responsibilities
Today, the RSD is engaged in both internally and externally driven research and consultation works. With the focus and direction of the BCCI now aligned to promotion of ‘One Dzongkhag-Three Products’ (ODTP) economic development mantra, the internal driven research activities have evolved mainly from the ODTP, which shall continue for another two years atleast. For better clarity, the roles and responsibilities of the RSD are listed below:
Internal driven research & facilitation activity
- One-District-Three-Products (ODTP) initiative: The RSD, as its first document on ODTP initiative has already come out with a preliminary research paper on economic resource mapping titled ‘One District-Three Products – The way forward for enhancing rural-urban interconnectedness and livelihood’. This document however is a desk research-based paper that shall be validated through in-field consultations in each district later.
- Project establishment facilitation under ODTP: Several cottage and small projects would be indentified for establishment under ODTP initiative. The RSD shall be the facilitator in this front until a separate ODTP Secretariat is established and made fully functional.
- Access to finance: Research and study on alternative financing mechanism for cottage and small industries primarily under the ODTP initiative
- As a part of the ODTP value chain management activity, the RSD shall also be engaged in studying possible access to markets including market mainstreaming
- Coordination of focused group discussions (FGDs) on private sector development and documentation of the outcome of such discussions in to private sector position papers shall rest with the RBP.
- Development of research-based position papers: Under the Accelerated Economic Development Plan (AEDP), the BCCI as a part of its research activity has identified tentative ‘issues for consultation with different ministries & agencies’. Several issues that are identified in this document could provide research topics for the RSD to undertake detailed studies.
- Coordination/Hosting of public-private sector dialogue on economic issues and participation in similar forums
- Documentation / compilation and publication of research reports
External driven consultation / research & analysis activity
- Review and analysis of draft policy documents, guideline papers;
- Coordination & hosting of FGDs for private sector feedback on policy papers;
- Representation of the private sector in various committees & forums;
- Participation in the research activities of other agencies on like issues;
Implementation of donor-supported project(s)
The RSD is entrusted with the responsibility of managing the FDOV Project 14BT46, which is a public-private partnership project towards sustainable diary supply-chain development in Chukha and Samtse Dzongkhags. This 54-month project that concludes on 31 December 2019 is supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) through its subsidy grant with half of the project funds chipped-in by the industry partner – M/s Zimdra Foods Private Limited.
Beyond, the RSD as the department tasked with the above external driven activities is required to allocate substantial time and resources for ad-hoc works that are difficult to be identified, quantified and incorporated in the annual work plan.