Information from RRCO,Thimphu on usage of BETA app for tax filing for the income year 2021.

Background of BETA App:

BIT estimated Tax App (BETA) was developed and launched on 9th February 2021, with an objective of digitalizing taxpayer services for small and micro businesses paying taxes on an estimated basis. The launch on was timely, because BETA App is not only expected to help both the taxpayers and tax officials during the current COVID-19 where social distancing is highly encouraged but will also go a long way in reaching out the tax services at click of the mouse. As intended, BETA App provides an opportunity to taxpayers to pay taxes from any place at any time without visit to RRCOs. However, it is very important that all the taxpayers who don’t submit books of accounts are encouraged to use yearly for filing tax returns and paying taxes.

Thus, RRCO would like to request the BCCI to inform the sector associations and the regional offices of BCCI to inform the respective members/taxpayers to use BETA App to file and pay their taxes before 31st March 2022.

Please note below the basic guidelines as follows;

  1. Download Bhutan Tax-BETA from play store for android users (Samsung) and Apps store for IOS users (iPhones).
  2. In order to use BETA services, taxpayers must registered in RAMIS and must have a Tax Payer Number (TPN).
  3. Those business entities submitting books of accounts need not use BETA App; they can use RAMIS App to submit books of accounts.

For those taxpayers who has registered with the RRCO, Thimphu and need assistance on how to use BETA App, they can contact the following officials;

Team 1 (South Thimphu).

Kuenzang Dema#17814446

Yeshey Lhamo#17732037


Team 2(North Thimphu)

Sangay Wangmo#77646474

Tshering          #77439134