The Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is in receipt of an invitation from Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), based in Dakha, Bangaladesh for a B2B business meeting with Korean Companies based in Dhaka on 14th of July 2019 at Hotel Intercontinental, Dhaka.
KOTRA has invited the members of BCCI for the B2B Meeting. Around twenty Korean companies such as Health Care, Technologies, Machineries, cosmetics and more will be attending the B2B session.
Please note that the expenses related to this travel shall be borne by individuals. However, the KOTRA shall provide two nights hotel accommodation to the Bhutanese companies/ participants.
Kindly confirm your participation to Ms. Sonam Choden or Mr. Tenzin Wangchuk, Business Support Department, BCCI at 17561005 by 3rd July, 2019.